Friday, September 17, 2010


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  1. You are amazing!! My family's faith is stronger, our love for each other is stronger, our hardships are easier to accept, and we have all become closer to God because of you. CONGRATULATIONS and we love you :)

  2. Linda Falda and FamilySunday, October 03, 2010

    Father Maletta, You do so much for so many, and this past year helped my family through a rough time when my husband passed away. You are a gift from God that helps make our faith sronger, and become closer to God. Thank you for all you do, and congratulations on 30 years of being such a dedicated priest.

  3. The Czarnik FamilySunday, October 03, 2010

    You have challenged us to be firm in our faith even us the world around us dismisses our Catholic heritage. You speak the truth when so few others have to the courage to. You lead us by example to be more generous and Christ-like. God bless you for your unselfishness and dedication to your calling.

  4. Fr. Maletta,

    I thank you for the constant and humble sacrifice that you make for the eternal salvation of all of our souls. Thank you for constantly challenging me to be a better Christian. Thank you for always seeing the bigger picture in every situation. Thanks for being you! Peace be with you!

  5. Jeff & Donna SmolinskiFriday, October 08, 2010


    You are a true "Gift from God" sent to us to help us get cloer to Him every day. I remember 9 years ago like it was yesterday during a homily that you captured my heart and soul with your words of faith, prayer, and sharing how God loves us you do us. The weekend retreat Donna and I went to last year
    deepened our relationship together to God; an emotional and spiritual blessing. We are forever
    Blessed by Your Love.

    God Bless and Thank You!

    Jeff & Donna Smolinski

  6. Don & Julie PiperSunday, October 10, 2010

    Father Maletta,

    We have been members of St. John Parish for only a few short months; however, you have touched our hearts in that short time. Our daughter is correct, you are an awesome priest! We are DELIGHTED to be members of this parish, and pray for you as you celebrate your 30th anniversary. God bless you!!!

    Don & Julie Piper

  7. Ed and Maria McMahonSunday, October 10, 2010

    Father Maletta,

    My husband and I would like to say that we are so happy to be at St. John the Evangelist Church. When we came here almost 7 years ago after moving from Illinois and belonging for over 30 years to the parish I grew up in, we thought for sure we would go back to our old parish for some time. The first weekend we were here we attended your Mass and from then on never went back for even one Sunday Mass. You have inspired us to be better Catholics and better people.

    Thank you,

    Ed and Maria McMahon

  8. The Czajkowski FamilySunday, October 10, 2010

    Congratulations on your 30th Anniversary of Ordination. Thank you for all that you do for us and our church family. We want you to know that you have been prayed for and appreciated. May God bless you and keep you with us for a long time.

  9. DIANE AND THOMAS SUPERITSSunday, October 10, 2010

    congratulations on your 30th what an incredible journey our lives were joined together by one of your inspiring homilies thanks for your guidance and words of wisdom GOD BLESS YOU WITH MANY MORE YEARS LOVE TOM AND DIANE SUPERITS

  10. Rich & Kathy PacholskiSunday, October 10, 2010

    Much love and blessings

  11. Theresa CodespotiSunday, October 10, 2010

    Father Sammie,

    You know what an influence you have had on our life. "Thi sign of
    God is you will be lead where you do not pan to go." You have led us ibn so many ways.
    in so many ways. We love you and thank Gofd for you! Blessings now and always.

  12. I've already told you what you've meant to me and Bob all those years ago. You still do. Thank you for being there at a difficult time in our made it special. All God's Blessings always and especially for good health. Love and prayers,

  13. Jesus is present with the bread and wine. I feel His presence. The Spirit speaks to me when I am here. Thanks for bringing Him closer to us!

  14. Audrey and Eleanor NohosSunday, October 10, 2010

    Dear Fr.Maletta,
    Hi Father Maletta. Congratulations on your 30 years of being a priest. Thank you for all that you do. Audrey and Eleanor Nohos

  15. Hi Fr. Maletta,
    Congratualtions on your 30 years as a priest.

  16. Dear Fr. Maletta, Happy 30th anniversary! Have a great day.

  17. Dear Father Maletta,
    Thank you for your 30 years of service to our Lord. I personally want to thank you for inspiring me to want to be a better Catholic man.

  18. The Pavlina FamilyFriday, October 22, 2010

    Fr. Sammie, you are phenomenal. You uplift us, and motivate us to be closer to God. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary. May the Lord continue to shine His grace upon you.

  19. You are ugliee.bye
