In these nine weeks between Fr. Maletta’s 30th Anniversary of his Ordination and the Mass of Thanksgiving and Open House, we invite you and your family to surround our wonderful Pastor with a novena of prayer. Pray this prayer this week with your family for the intention of his continued ministry!
Lord Jesus, we your people pray to you for our pastor, Fr. Maletta. You have given him to us for OUR needs. We pray for him in HIS needs. You have consecrated him, set him aside, anointed him, filled him with the Holy Spirit, appointed him to teach, to preach, to minister, to console, to forgive, and to feed us with your Body and Blood. We thank you for choosing Fr. Maletta for us — to understand us, to suffer and rejoice with us, to worry and trust with us, to share our lives and our faith.
We ask that you give Fr. Maletta this day the gift of your presence in his heart, your holiness in his soul, your joy in his spirit. And let him see you face to face in each Mass we share.
We pray to you, O Lord, through Mary the mother of all priests. Amen.
Dear Lord, we pray that the Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around Fr. Maletta and through her intercession strengthen him for his ministry. We pray that Mary will guide him to follow her own words, “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). May Fr. Maletta have the heart of St. Joseph, Mary’s most chaste spouse. May the Blessed Mother’s own pierced heart inspire him to embrace all who suffer at the foot of the cross. May Fr. Maletta be holy, filled with the fire of your love, seeking nothing but your greater glory and the salvation of souls. Amen.
Saint John Vianney, patron saint of all priests, pray for us.
Jesus, our great High Priest, hear our humble prayers on behalf of your servant, Fr. Maletta. Give him a deep faith, a bright and firm hope, and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of his life. In his loneliness, comfort him. In his sorrows, strengthen him. In his frustrations, reveal to him that it is through suffering that the soul is purified, and show him that he is needed by the Church; he is needed by souls; he is needed for the work of redemption; he is needed by us.
O Loving Mother Mary, Mother of Priests and religious, take to your heart Fr. Maletta who is close to you because of the power which he has received to carry on the work of Christ entrusted to him. Be his comfort, be his joy, be his strength, and especially help him to live and to defend the gospel of your beloved Son, Jesus.
O Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in Fr. Maletta, act in him, speak in and through him.
Think your thoughts in his mind, love through his heart. Give him your own dispositions and feelings.
Teach, lead and guide him always. Correct, enlighten and expand his thoughts and behavior. Possess his soul; take over his entire personality and life.
Replace him with yourself. Incline him to constant adoration and thanksgiving; pray in and through him. Let him live in you and keep him in intimate union always.
O Mary, Immaculate Conception, Mother of Jesus and Mother of priests, pray and intercede for Fr. Maletta, now and always. Amen
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer for the spiritual renewal of all bishops, priests, deacons, brothers, sisters, lay ministers and seminarians, especially those of our own diocese and in a special loving way, for our Pastor Fr. Maletta. We praise you for giving their ministry to the Church. In these days, renew them with the
gifts of your Spirit.
You once opened the Holy Scriptures to your disciples when you walked on this earth. Now renew Fr. Maletta and all your priests with the truth and power of your Word.
In the Eucharist you gave your disciples renewed life and hope. Nourish Fr. Maletta and your consecrated ones with your own Body and Blood. Help them to imitate in their lives the death and resurrection they celebrate around your altar.
Give Fr. Maletta and all priests enthusiasm for the Gospel, zeal for the salvation of all people, courage in leadership and humility in service.
Give them your love for one another and for all their brothers and sisters in you. For you love them, Lord Jesus and we love and pray for Fr. Maletta and all who serve us in your Holy Name. Amen.
O Almighty God, accept this servant of yours, Fr. Maletta, let him be always yours, let him always offer a powerful witness and be a powerful example for the souls you have entrusted to his pastoral care and who truly want to change and want to walk along the path marked out by your Divine Son and enlightened by the light of the Holy Spirit.
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, be for this priest a mother and master, a refuge and support, consolation and companionship. Amen
Lord Jesus, we often ask your priests to pray for us: our intentions, our needs, our problems. This time, we want to reverse the order and pray for your priests, your servants, and in particular we wish to pray for Fr. Maletta. Give him your Spirit’s blessing. May he be a spiritual guide for us. Support him in his ministry, and nourish his spiritual life. Thank you for giving him to us as a priest. We pray to you, risen Lord, you who are our Eternal High Priest and sit at the right hand of the Father. Amen.